Frequently Asked Questions About PLMA and PLMA Membership

Q: What is PLMA’s mission?

A: PLMA (Peak Load Management Alliance) is a non-profit association founded in 1999 as the Voice of Load Management Practitioners. PLMA seeks to advance practical applications of dynamic load management and distributed energy resources by providing a forum where members educate each other and explore innovative approaches to program delivery, pricing constructs, and technology adoption. Learn more at About PLMA.

Q: How is PLMA governed? Does PLMA lobby?

A: PLMA is a non-profit trade association managed by an Executive Committee that includes four Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Executive Committee and the Officers are elected by PLMA's Board Members who represent ~200 member organizations. PLMA does no lobbying, and does not accept or distribute charitable donations. Learn more at About PLMA.

Q: Who belongs to PLMA? How do I find out if my organization is a PLMA member?

A: PLMA is an association of member organizations; it does not have individual members. This means that once an organization joins, an unlimited number of that organization’s staff are entitled to receive PLMA member benefits. The current list of member organizations can be found listed in the Member Directory. PLMA's Leadership is listed at Leadership. If you don’t see your organization on the member list, please join at Join PLMA.

Q: Why do I need a profile username and password? Do I need to be a member to login? How do I get a username and password for me and/or other staff from our company?

A: Any individual may complete a Membership Application (see options below) to receive a free profile username and password. These are necessary to register for PLMA-hosted events, trainings, and webinars, and to access some PLMA information resources. 

PLMA member organizations may request an unlimited number of profile usernames and passwords for its employees so they can register for PLMA events, trainings, and webinars, and can access all of PLMA's information resources on the PLMA's Load Management Resource Center. The Load Management Resource Center is a repository of PLMA content, including webinars recordings and slides, conference presentations and slides, publications, research, training materials, and more. 

  • If your organization IS listed in the PLMA Member Directory, choose "I am staff of a PLMA member organization" when you click Membership Application to join. This option will allow creates an individual member profile username and password that allows you to register for PLMA events at discounted member rates, access member-only content, join interest groups, receive email announcements, and other member benefits.

  • If your organization is NOT listed in the PLMA Member Directory choose "Free Visitor Pass: My org. has not yet joined PLMA" when you click Membership Application to join. This option creates an individual visitor username and password that allows you to register for events at nonmember rates, comment on community blogs, and join our email distribution list. Your organization may upgrade to a full membership at any time. Membership details are available at Join PLMA.

  • Utility Load Management Exchange Group (ULME): Utility representatives who wish to participate in ULME must be approved. Please create the appropriate profile using one of the choices above, then contact Monica Hammond at [email protected] to request approval. Learn more about this utility-only group at

Q: How do I reset my password/remember my log-in?

A: Visit the /login and click "Forgot your password?" to request a new password.

Q: How much does it cost to join PLMA? How do I decide what membership level is right for my organization? Can I join PLMA as an individual?

A: PLMA member benefits and pricing is outlined at Join PLMA. The fundamental membership decision is if your organization wishes to “bundle” 2 or 6 conference/training passes with your dues payment. These passes may be used by anyone your organization designates within a 12-month period.

PLMA offers lower dues pricing for utilities and smaller organizations to encourage their participation.

PLMA staff welcomes the opportunity to schedule a no-obligation conference call with screen sharing for you and other key decision makers in your organization to discuss what membership level is most appropriate for you, as well as tips for making the most of your member benefits.

To see the membership levels of peer organizations, scroll down the page at Member Directory. Individuals may create free access profiles, either as staff of member organizations or as visitors (see above).

Q: How do I request a W-9 or other special forms for my accounting department?

You can download a W-9 for PLMA. CLICK HERE. If you need special grant or vendor forms completed, please send them to [email protected].

Q: How do I add my email address to your distribution list without becoming a member?

A: Create a free individual profile to be placed on the mailing list, and control communications.

Q: Where can I find slides and recordings from PLMA webinars and conferences? 

A: PLMA hosts a content repository, the Load Management Resource Center, which includes all PLMA presentations, slides, and recordings, from 2020 forward. It is open to everyone with a PLMA username and password, although more materials and resources are available to PLMA members. The Load Management Resource Center houses: 

  • Presentation slides from past PLMA Spring and Fall Conferences and other PLMA-produced events (such as the 2023 EV Symposium)
  • Recordings from past PLMA Load Management Dialogues, HOT TOPICS, Virtual Meetups, and Strategic Initiative Discussions (webinars) 
  • Articles, reports and white papers from PLMA initiatives and collaborations

Q: How can I post an announcement about my company, such as a new product release, request for proposal, or position opening? How much does it cost?

A: PLMA members can post an unlimited number of announcements at no cost on the News page of the PLMA website. To post an announcement, please email us at [email protected] with the content of your announcement. 

Q: Does PLMA sell its contact list? Will PLMA distribute an email to its members about my organization?

A: PLMA does not make its entire membership contact database available to third-parties, but it does enable members to connect with other members through its LinkedIn page, its LinkedIn group, and at both live and online PLMA events and conferences. PLMA also share contact information for it conference registrants with conference sponsors.

Q: Does PLMA sell ads on your website or newsletter?

A: No.

Don't see your question here? Email it to Monica Hammond at [email protected] for a response.