Utility Dive Weekly Load Management eNewsletter:

UD Newsletter

A Benefit for New and Renewing PLMA Member Practitioners

PLMA and Utility Dive have partnered for more than eight years to bring timely news on flexible load management to the energy industry. Starting in 2023, PLMA has added a complimentary subscription to UD's Weekly Load Management eNewsletter for all of our member practitioners. 

Published via email each Wednesday, this enewsletter is formatted as a clickable digest of relevant weekly news stories. PLMA hopes this news resource will provide additional context and information about key industry developments as we navigate the energy transition.

About Utility Dive:

  • Utility Dive provides journalism and insight into the key news and trends shaping the utility industry.

  • UD's Weekly Load Management eNewsletter addresses flexible load, dynamic pricing, demand response, DERs, and more.

  • UD is a respected industry news resource operated by Industry Dive, and serves tens of thousands of readers.