NYSEG RFP: Bulk Energy Storage


Posted July 11, 2023

NYSEG has developed a request for proposal (RFP) to procure a minimum of 10 MW of energy storage projects to be in service by December 31, 2028. This initiative will help meet energy storage goals and complement the growing use of intermittent technologies on the transmission and distribution systems.

The RFP will be conducted in two phases. Any interested bidders must submit a Phase I offer no later than 5 p.m. EPT on September 1, 2023. NYSEG and RG&E will review bidder submissions to Phase I, and notify bidders of their approval to submit a Phase II bid on October 20, 2023.

CLICK HERE to review all requirements and details of the RFP and appendices thoroughly which are located below. Only complete offers will be accepted.