Load Management Dialogue |
Resource Materials For:
The Promise and Progress of Integrated Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Programs
with Dan York, ACEEE; Craig Aubuchon, Ameren Missouri; and Olivia Patterson, Opinion Dynamics
Thursday, March 19, 2020; 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. Eastern
Thank you for your interest in this PLMA Demand Response Dialogue. This will be a 30-minute conversation with just a few Powerpoint slides.
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In a large missed opportunity to boost power grid flexibility and benefit customers, relatively few US utilities have programs that fully integrate energy efficiency and demand response, according to ACEEE’s recently published review of 44 utility portfolios. Program administrators typically have approached and implemented energy efficiency (EE) and demand response (DR) programs separately. While the benefits and value of integrated EE/DR programs have long been recognized, ACEEE’s recent research shows that most customer programs still are not integrated. In this presentation Dan York will present results from ACEEE’s review, which characterizes the landscape of integrated EE/DR programs in the US. York also will provide examples of successful programs and discuss how they have overcome challenges to integration.
Read the ACEEE report at click here and plan to join PLMA for a dialogue with these industry thought leaders.
Dan York
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
Dan York is an ACEEE Senior Fellow primarily engaged in utilities and local policy research and technical assistance. He has extensive experience in tracking and analyzing trends and emerging issues in utility sector energy efficiency programs. Dan has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Minnesota. His master of science and PhD degrees, from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, are both in land resources with an emphasis in energy analysis and policy. He joined ACEEE in 2001.
Craig Aubuchon
Ameren Missouri
Craig has been Manager of Energy Analytics in the energy efficiency and renewables division with Ameren Missouri since 2019. In this role, he is responsible for overseeing the evaluation, measurement and verification of the company's energy efficiency and demand response programs. Craig has over a decade of experience as an energy economist, focusing on issues of market design, utility operations and regulation, and energy policy. Prior to joining Ameren Missouri, he worked as a consulting manager with Analysis Group on projects for clients throughout the energy industry, and more recently, as an asset manager with U.S. Bank, where he was responsible for more than $850 million of tax equity solar investments.
Olivia Patterson
Opinion Dynamics and PLMA Executive Committee
Olivia brings to Opinion Dynamics valuable experience in evaluation, tackling programs that require alternative or innovative approaches to answer key research questions. She has worked on a variety of projects to better understand customer adoption and behavioral changes in both commercial and residential applications, and the appropriate methodologies available for their assessment. An engaging speaker, Olivia regularly presents behavioral and data science driven program research to a variety of audiences. Ms. Patterson’s background in economics and other social sciences support her evaluation of programs that intersect technology, adoption practices and behavioral change. She comes to Opinion Dynamics after conducting research at various think tanks including the RAND Corporation, the Thailand Development Research Institute, and the Inter-American Development Bank.
Who Should Attend. Utility and regulatory staff as well as other energy industry trade allies and organizations seeking thought leadership and insight on dynamic load management, including demand response and distributed energy resources.
How Dialogue Works. When you register, you may submit a comment or question in advance. After brief introductions, the featured speakers will have an informal 30-minute conversation. You're welcome to use a speaker phone so an unlimited number of people may participate. After the Dialogue, you will receive a recording web link. Unable to participate on this day and time? Register anyway and you will automatically receive the recording link.