PLMA Load Management Leadership Load Management Dialogue
PLMA Load Management Dialogue

Resource Materials For:

Connected Energy (UK) Ltd for Battery Recycling in Belgium

with Mark Bailey, Connected Energy (UK); and Michael Smith, National Grid

Thursday, June 18, 2020; 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. Eastern

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Gain key insights from a 17th PLMA Award-winning initiative for Technology Pioneer.

Connected Energy (UK) Ltd.’s system installed at the Umicore industrial site in Belgium reuses Renault Kangoo batteries which previously powered 48 vehicles in France. The system provides a frequency response service to Elia, the Belgium system operator, to help it balance electricity supply and demand for network stability. It is the first time 'second-life’ batteries have been used at an industrial scale in this way in the country. The batteries have a combined energy storage capacity of 720 kWh and can deliver 1.2 MW in power. With solution project partner ENGIE, the battery is optimised in real-time as part of a synchronized asset stack providing revenue generation and power quality management for global materials technology and recycling group Umicore who also recycle EV batteries. The installation will give the company insight into the process of wear in the batteries, which can help to build better batteries.

Mark Bailey

Mark Bailey

Connected Energy (UK)

Prior to joining Connected Energy, Mark was Global Key Program Director for Demand Side Management and Storage at Engie SA and Senior Domain Director for ENGIE New Ventures. It was whilst in this role, he led Engie’s investment in Connected Energy earlier in 2018. The company is known for its E-STOR energy storage system - which is entirely powered by second-life EV batteries.  Mark is an accomplished business leader with a 25-year track record in executive leadership roles, transformation programmes and start-up businesses. In 2012 he was appointed Head of Global Energy, responsible for the European Key Accounts business before transferring to his current role in 2016. Prior to Engie, Mark was a co-founder of RWE Trading Direct Ltd., and a pioneer of the first demand response initiatives with Yorkshire Electricity in the mid-90s.

Michael Smith

Michael Smith

National Grid and PLMA Awards Group Co-chair, Moderator

Mike Smith is a Senior Program Manager at National Grid, responsible for managing the implementation of National Grid’s full portfolio of Dynamic Load Management programs in New York State. Additionally, Mike leads the expansion and development of National Grid’s DR programs as they grow to support increased DER participation and provide more focused grid solutions such as Non-Wires Alternatives. Prior to joining National Grid, Mike spent more than a decade in the Energy Consulting field, providing program development and implementation services for some of the largest utilities and state agencies in the Northeast. Mike has been active in PLMA since 2017 and serves as Co-Chair of the Awards Group.

Who Should Attend. Utility and regulatory staff as well as other energy industry trade allies and organizations seeking thought leadership and insight on dynamic load management, including demand response and distributed energy resources.

How Dialogue Works. When you register, you may submit a comment or question in advance. After brief introductions, the featured speakers will have an informal 30-minute conversation. You're welcome to use a speaker phone so an unlimited number of people may participate. After the Dialogue, you will receive a recording web link. Unable to participate on this day and time? Register anyway and you will automatically receive the recording link.