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Info and Resources for the 2025 Awards Planning Group

Award Group Co-Chairs

Kevin Knight

Baltimore Gas and Electric
[email protected]


Michael Ohlsen
City of Tallahassee Utilities
[email protected]


The 2025 PLMA's "Awards of Excellence in Load Management" 

The Award Planning Group oversees the PLMA's Annual Awards of Excellence in Load Management. PLMA welcomes all  members to participate in scoring this year's award finalists, which is a critical step in determining this year's winners.

PLMA's Process, Scoring Instructions, and Rules of Engagement, including Conflict of Interest recusal requirements, are presented below.

2025 PLMA Awards: Program Milestones

Due Date Activity Status

January 15

Launch of the Call for Nominations for the 2025 PLMA Awards.


February 4

Deadline for submission of award nominations.


February 14

Meeting via Teams for all aspiring Volunteer Judges in which the Co-Chairs will review the NEW scoring process and NEW scoring rubric for the 2025 Awards Finalists.


Feb 14 - 24

Scoring Period: All judges are invited to score each of the Finalists. 


February 24 

Scoring of the Finalists is completed. 

Only those volunteer judges who scored the Finalist Nominiations are invited to attend the Judges' meeting on February 28.


February 28,
1 to 2pm ET

Scoring Judges and Co-Chairs Meeting via Teams to review and discuss the Finalist rankings. Please save this time block on your calendar.


March 10

Awards Co-Chairs meet to confirm the winners of the 2025 PLMA Excellence in Load Management Awards


~March 18

PLMA's Executive Committee approves the 2025 winners


March 24

PLMA notifies the 2025 winners, finalists, and non-winners.


May 6

Awards Presentation, Spring 2025 PLMA Conference in Kansas City, MO


June - Sept.

Load Management Dialogues (webinars) featuring 2025 PLMA Awards of Excellence Winners.



Thank You to the Volunteer Judges Who Scored the 2024 PLMA Award Nominations!

Bruce Brazis Arizona Public Service
Kevin Knight Baltimore Gas and Electric
Justin Chamberlain CPS Energy
Patricia de Lange Duquesne Light Company
Clinton Noack Duquesne Light Company
Kartik Ganjoo Duquesne Light Company
Kari Binley ecobee
Christine Riker Energy Solutions
Matt Bowgren Franklin Energy
Meg Campbell Guidehouse
Ruth Kiselewich ICF
Amanda Gasse Illume Advising
Sam Goda Kaluza
Ross Malme Kitu Systems
Jeff Ihnen Michaels Energy
Liz Haworth Michaels Energy
Vasudha Lathey Olivine
Rich Philip PLMA
Alejandro Ruiz Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association
Nonette Surbaugh Public Service Company of Oklahoma
Mary Tobin RMI
Jonathan Hoechst Tetra Tech
Derek Kirchner TRC Companies


Info for Volunteer Judges

Thank you for volunteering to score submissions for the 2025 PLMA Awards of Excellence to be presented at the 2025 Spring Conference in Kansas City, MO on May 6, 2025. Your next steps are:

  1. Review the Rules of Engagement below and PLMA Policies (Award Policy; Code of Conduct Handbook)

  2. Plan to attend the Volunteer Judges Meeting via Teams on February 14 at 1:00 pm ET. This meeting is open to all aspiring volunteer judges and is critically important as PLMA will introduce the new Awards process and the new scoring rubric. That day, all Judges will aslo receive access to PLMA's scoring platform. 

  3. Score your assigned Finalists following the Scoring Instructions by 11:59 pm PT, Friday, February 24, 2025. Please note that you must score all of the finalist nominations which will number eight to 12 and will take approximately two to three hours to complete. 

  4. Please review the recusal process described in the Scoring Instructions.

  5. Plan to participate in the Scorers Review Meeting online on February 28 at 1:00 pm ET. This meeting is open to all judges who scored nominations. Scoring judges will receive login credentials for this meeting.

Scoring Instructions

  1. Sign in to the Portal at with your PLMA username and password. If you are already signed in to the PLMA website, simply paste the link into the browser and it should take you straight to your judging portal. If you haven’t yet signed into the new PLMA website, you will need to click “forgot my password” to reset your password. Scoring assignments are made following the judges' orientation call.

  2. On the left menu (or under "My Account") select, "My Judging Assignments" and select "2025 PLMA Awards.”

  3. View all of the assigned Finalists by selecting "open" next to the appropriate line.

  4. Select each Finalist one at a time and click "open".

  5. Review the contents of each finalist nomination. If you are involved with, or have participated in any of the nominated initiatives, please note this in the comments section. No recusals are needed in 2025. 

  6. To proceed with scoring, click "Scorecard." Rank the finalists in order of excellence, from first to tenth, according to your best judgement. 

  7. Your comments on the Scorecard are private. However, you may make comments about a Finalist for other judges, using the Reviewer Conversation tab. These comments are visible to all of the scoring judges. Other judges' scores are not visible until you enter your own score. Please note you have until February 24, 2025 to complete your scoring of all of the Finalists. 

  8. When your Evaluation Scorecard is complete, click "Save" to submit your ranking of the nominations.

Rules of Engagement

PLMA welcomes any member practitioner to join the Awards Planning Group as a volunteer judge, and may occasionally invite some non-members to judge. 

  1. Please review and score the award Finalists consistent with PLMA Policies. These policies are posted at, including the PLMA Awards Policy and the Code of Conduct Handbook.

  2. Follow the Scoring Instructions.

  3. Support PLMA's Awards Program.

  4. Help promote the Awards Program by sharing PLMA's "Call for Nominations" via email, personal contacts, and LinkedIn. 

Potential Conflict of Interest?

If you are involved with, or have participated in any of the nominated initiatives, please note that in the comments. However, please do your best to rank score all of the finalists in order of excellence. 


Rules Interpretation or Overall Process:
Please contact any of the Awards Co-Chairs listed above.

Primary Staff Contact: Judy Knight:  [email protected]