PLMA EV Symposium: Managed Charging

PLMA EV Symposium car graphic

An Invitation to Utility EV Professionals

PLMA, the energy industry’s association for practitioners of flexible load management, demand response, distributed energy resources, and managed charging, invites utility EV professionals to join us for the second PLMA EV Symposium.

To be hosted in Chicago, Illinois, PLMA’s 2024 EV Symposium will convene electric utilities, auto OEMs, plus vendors and advisors for two half-days of discussions: 

  • DAY 1 (Aug 13): An update on today's learnings and experiences with EVs, including managed charging, V2X applications, and other EV opportunities. 

  • DAY 2 (Aug 14): Addressing the major challenges to achieving widescale EV adoption.

Building Synergy between Automotive OEMs and Electric Utilities

With two half-days of practical, interactive, experience- and data-driven sessions; robust cross-industry networking; and an opportunity to connect in a meaningful way with colleagues from automotive OEMs and with utility professionals who focus on EV programs, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of:

  1. Why managed charging, V2X, and other EV opportunities are critical to both the automotive and utility industries’ future successes; 

  2. The automotive OEMs' major business drivers: a) Curating the EV revolution through rapid customer adoption and successful user experiences, b) Effectively managing both their brands and data, c) Ensuring seamless interconnection with electric utilities, and d) supporting grid reliability; 

  3. Shared auto-utility customer synergy, and overcoming the current and future barriers to EV adoption identified by all customers; 

  4. Hurdles to building a highly collaborative relationship between utilities and auto OEMs, and how to address these;

  5. Understanding the nature of the utility-auto collaboration that will best support a reliable, resilient, sustainable electric grid, as well as a rapid and successful deployment of EVs. 
Click Here for the Agenda

Reasons to Experience a PLMA Event!

PLMA’s events are recognized for the quality of their content, attendees' willingness to share information, and for creating a supportive collegial atmosphere. Here's what utilities have to say about PLMA. 

Don’t miss this chance to meet and learn from both automotive OEMs and the utility practitioners who work with flexible energy loads, DERs, and managed charging as they seek to better understand one another's needs. You’ll gain industry insights, new colleagues, and a vision for the possibilities of both the energy transition and the EV revolution!

Register Here!

Here's What Some of PLMA's Utility Members Have to Say:

Troy Eichenberger, TVA

Troy Eichenberger
Tennessee Valley Authority
(a Tennessee utility)

"PLMA membership is the gateway to a welcoming professional community of DR / DER peers and practitioners, all of whom generously share their ideas, successes, and lessons learned."

Bruce Brazis, APS

Bruce Brazis
Arizona Public Service
(an Arizona utility)

"APS’ membership in PLMA provides my colleagues and I with access to a dynamic and supportive community of practitioners and experts . . . PLMA is an exceptional resource to the energy industry.”

Denise Munoz, ComEd

Denise Munoz
ComEd (an Illinois utility)

"Getting involved in PLMA is incredibly valuable for anyone in flexible load management, demand response, and DERs. With a multitude of Interest Groups, webinars, events, trainings, workshops, taskforces, and networking, there’s always lots to learn!" 

Eamonn Urey, SRP

Eamonn Urey
Salt River Project
(an Arizona utility)

"PLMA is a people organization that offers high-quality learning opportunities, leadership development, and really great conferences twice each year!"

Wendy Brummer, PG&E

Wendy Brummer
Pacific Gas & Electric
 (a California utility)

"The relationships I’ve fostered through PLMA have helped me grow professionally and provide amazing ongoing benefits as my company implements new programs and makes critical changes to existing ones.” 

Meet PLMA's Industry Speakers

PLMA's members include investor-owned utilities, cooperatives, and municipal utilities. At this inaugural EV Symposium, PLMA is delighted to welcome a diverse group of utility EV practitioners, as well as new colleagues from the automotive OEMs plus additional industry participants who together share the important goals of collaborative relationships, cross-industry perspective, and knowledge sharing.

Speakers and attendees from these auto OEMs are participating in PLMA's 2024 EV Symposium:

PLMA EV Symposium: auto OEMs



Speakers and attendees from these utilities are participating in PLMA's 2024 EV Symposium:

PLMA EV Symposium: Utility Speakers