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HOT TOPIC Conversation: How It Started vs. How It's Going: California's Journey With Income-Graduated Fixed Charges
Thursday, October 19, 2023, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Category: HOT TOPIC Conversations

PLMA Load Management Leadership HOT TOPIC Conversation
PLMA HOT TOPIC Conversation

How It Started vs. How It's Going: California's Journey With Income-Graduated Fixed Charges

DATE / TIME: Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm ET | 9:30 am to 10:30 am PT

Hosted by PLMA's Retail Pricing Group

Moderated by PLMA Retail Pricing Co-Chair Jordan Folks
Guest Speakers: 
Severin Borenstein of Berkeley Haas

Retail Pricing

California is in the middle of a regulatory proceeding to lower volumetric electricity rates and replace the revenue with income-graduated fixed charges. The idea was inspired in part by a 2021 UC Berkeley Energy Institute study that found the current rate structures of the investor-owned utilities have rates that are at least double the utility's avoided cost. A successor study released in 2022 found that the current rate structure places a disproportionate burden of paying for fixed costs and climate policies on low-income households, and that the high rates are likely to undermine efforts to decarbonize homes and personal transportation. Income-graduated fixed charges are not the only way to address these problems, but they are the route that the California legislature has chosen. 

Come to this session to learn more about California's journey with income-graduated fixed charges, presented by  Severin Borenstein, Faculty Director of the Energy Institute at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley.

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(PLMA Members Only Please)

Meet the Retail Pricing Interest Group Co-Chairs:

Jordan Folks
Jordan Folks
Opinion Dynamics

Severin Borenstein
Guest Speaker
Severin Borenstein
UC Berkeley Haas



If you’d like to participate in this HOT TOPIC webinar, or in additional PLMA member programming, please consider joining the organization.
To learn more about PLMA membership and how it can best serve you and your organization, please contact Monica Hammond at [email protected].

About the Retail Pricing Interest Group

The PLMA Retail Pricing Interest Group seeks to examine a variety of demand response, energy efficiency, and other system retail pricing rates and programs, independent of any specific technology or solution. It will collect and selectively share summaries, excerpts, and/or full text from published, and not-so-public documentation, including utility pilots and program evaluations, plus reports and white papers that cover rates/program evaluations, program design concepts, market assessments, savings potential, and more.

Who Should Attend HOT TOPICS?

Staff of PLMA member organizations are welcome to join in any HOT TOPIC conversation. If you are interested in a topic, please plan to join us! If you are curious about a particular Interest Group and would like to better understand its focus and work, please participate. And, if you have colleagues within your organization who you think may find a TOPIC interesting, please invite them to log in too.

If your organization is not yet a PLMA member, and you'd like to participate in the HOT TOPICs program and other member opportunities, please consider joining PLMA. For more information, please contact Rich Philip, Executive Director; or Monica Hammond, Operations and Member Services Manager.


HOT TOPICS are all about engaging PLMA member practitioners in conversations about important current issues affecting dynamic load management, including demand response, and distributed energy resources. Tune in for an online conversation and chat with the PLMA Interest Groups. Join us to participate, learn, or just listen. You’ll gather key insights and ideas from across the PLMA membership.

Contact: Judy Knight, [email protected], 404-771-1122